e-Learning InnoVative Engineering Solutions

The e-LIVES project is an ERASMUS+ project that ran from October 15th, 2017 to October 14th, 2021.

The goals of the project are the identification of best practices in e-Engineering, the development of reliable remote laboratory solutions, the development of practical open staff training, the assessment of the pedagogical innovation solutions used, and the promotion of the concept of e-Engineering within the South and Eastern Mediterranean countries.

The project is coordinated by the University of Limoges.



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e-Engineering Alliance

The e-Engineering Alliance is a Special Interest Group (SIG) inside the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) whose aim is to disseminate the e-Engineering concept all over the world.

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Latest news

If you are interested in the latest news about the e-LIVES project, take a sneak peek at our blog.
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Partner's list

University of Limoges
Polytechnic of Porto
KU Leuven
National Distance Education University
LabsLand Experimentia SL
International Association of Online Engineering
Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech
Abdelmalek Essaadi University
Virtual University of Tunis
University of Kairouan
University Abdelhamid Ibn Badis of Mostaganem
University Badji Mokhtar of Annaba
University 8 Mai 1945 Guelma
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Tafila Technical University

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