The Virtual University of Tunis (UVT) was founded in 2002 to support higher education development’s efforts by providing free quality education and training to students and teachers in Tunisian universities and institutions of higher education. It was initially established to spread distance-education and foster ICT integration in higher education sector.

The main objectives of UVT are to:

  • Spread distance-education and foster ICT integration in higher education;
  • Ensure a wider access to technology and promote lifelong learning and continuing education throughout the country;
  • Upgrade skills and competences through continuing education and training;
  • Address the challenge of the growing number of students in higher education by gradually spreading e-learning in priority disciplines to cover 30% of the university curriculum online by 2014;
  • Provide equal opportunities in higher education to all qualified people;
  • Improve the quality of education through the use of interactive and innovative tools;
  • Encourage and support online curriculum design for higher education training.

The diplomas are offered by UVT as online degrees managed through the online learning platforms.

Virtual University of Tunis (UVT) website