April 2020

News from the project

e-Engineering in pandemic times
Business as usual

Welcome to this 5th e-LIVES newsletter.

The current pandemic situation has affected some of the activities planned under the e-LIVES project.

The activities that may take place online continue to be executed, but those requiring the physical presence of the participants have naturally been postponed. Among these is the setting up of the new remote laboratories in the project’s partner universities in North Africa and Jordan, whose necessary material has already been delivered.

Also, due to the current uncertainty about the evolution of the pandemic situation, we were forced to postpone the e-Engineering’2020 Conference that would take place in Petra, Jordan, by the end of June, together with the last General Assembly of the project, and for which we do not yet have a new date.

In this newsletter, we also report on some activities conducted in the last six months in the framework of the e-LIVES project and the e-Engineering Alliance, namely the Special Session titled ‘e-Engineering courses – Where and when students need’ we promoted at The 17th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation held at the University of Georgia, in Athens, Georgia, the United States of America, in the last week of February.

Additionally, it is worth emphasizing the importance that distance learning has assumed due to the need for social distancing imposed to stop the rapid spread of the new coronavirus. This is another example of the importance of investing in the development of distance learning and, more specifically, in e-Engineering courses. Among all the other reasons already widely known, this situation has, unfortunately, added a new one.

Contributing to making up for the universities’ current absence of an alternative to face-to-face laboratory classes, due to the lack of adequate infrastructure, our partner Labsland is providing free access to its network of remote laboratories until the summer.

We hope you enjoy the reading of the newsletter and that it can bring some inspiring ideas, and above all, we wish you good health.

Manuel Gericota
Responsible for the e-LIVES project dissemination/networking/sustainability work package


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