November 2018

News from the project

Dear readers,

Welcome to this 2nd e-LIVES newsletter.

One year after the beginning of the project, the 1st General Assembly meeting joined in Tétouan, Morocco, under the auspices of the Abdelmalek Essaadi University, all project partners.

During the meeting, it was revised the work done so far in each one of the six work packages that comprise the project. The evaluation was extremely positive with all tasks running on schedule.

The consortium also discussed and approved the quality, sustainability, communication and dissemination plans of the project.

Accordingly, it is expected the project will have the first draft of the e-Engineering Good Practice Guide available for download on the e-LIVES website by the beginning of the New Year. This document will be the most important to be developed by the project partners, as it is expected it will serve as a guide for the development of new e-Engineering courses worldwide.

To disseminate the concept of e-Engineering and the work done inside the project, a Special Interest Group (SIG) was created within the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE), the e-Engineering Alliance Special Interest Group.

Regarding the quality assessment tools, developed to enable the quality assessment of e-Engineering courses, the questionnaires addressed to students and teachers are also ready to be revised. These questionnaires focus the functional, pedagogical and didactic aspects of an e-Engineering course and serve to evaluate the perception stakeholders have of the course and the corrective measures that may eventually be necessary to introduce to improve their level of satisfaction.

After revision, all documents produced by the e-LIVES consortium will be made available to download at the e-LIVES website. A discussion forum will be open to receive the valuable contributions of all interested in the subject and in the establishment of e-Engineering courses in their Institutions.

Manuel Gericota
Responsible for the e-LIVES project dissemination/networking/sustainability work package


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