November 2019

News from the project

Dear readers of this fourth newsletter of our e-LIVES project, which is now in its last year of execution, I invite you to enjoy reading what we have accomplished so far.

Together with the different European and southern countries partners, we are now focusing on how to make sure our work is sustainable and will be used in the near and long future to support the development of e-Engineering courses worldwide. I address you as a co-leader of WP4 (Quality assessment of efficient pedagogical innovative solutions) and we are proud to state that, although still under revision, great results are already publicly available on our website I address you now, while we are holding our 2nd General Assembly meeting in Madrid, Spain, under the auspices of the National Distance Education University (UNED), with all project partners. During this meeting, we typically discuss and present to all partners what has been done in the different work packages and what our future steps are to get out the best end result. Although we have a bi-weekly virtual meeting, we do note it is necessary to meet on a few general assemblies in person.

As said already, we are now in the final year of the project, so you might expect a number of concrete results to be available. Out of experience with a previous project with comparable partners (at that time it was still called a Tempus project,, we noted that creating a virtual/remote course in an engineering discipline really has specific challenges. Hence we lifted these challenges to a meta-level and in this e-LIVES project we focus on all aspects of setting up such a course with real hardware remotely accessible to students. It comes with a number of challenges and we aim to help all staff who has the intention of creating those types of courses as much as we can, by sharing our experiences, best practices, evaluation techniques to know whether or not the course is good. A state-of-the-art good practices guide on the pedagogical, technical and administrative aspects of the e-Engineering concept is preliminarily available in open access on the project website e‐Engineering Good Practices Guide, together with the required quality assessment tools like questionnaires addressed to students, teachers and trainees on Quality assessment of the e-Engineering training. These questionnaires focus on the functional, pedagogical and didactic aspects of an e-Engineering course and serve to evaluate the perception stakeholders have of an e-Engineering training and the corrective measures to take.

Internally we work with a three step reviewing process. First the assigned partners create the necessary reports and deliverables in mutual agreement. Next, these interim results are passed through an internal working group to perform a peer review. Upon completion of the peer review, we have the preliminary deliverables available. As a final step most of these deliverables are reviewed by an external reviewer, to be sure that others, not originally involved in the project, are able to really use the results. An external viewpoint always helps in, what we express in Dutch as: “see the splinter in someone else’s eye, but not the beam in one’s own”. At that moment, corrective measures on all deliverables that have undergone this review process are adjusted and again uploaded to our website.

As a final point of attention, take a look at the brand new website and submit your papers, so you can join us in Petra, Jordan in June 2020.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. J. Boydens, KU Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Technology, co-leader of the e-LIVES project “Quality assessment of efficient pedagogical innovative solutions” work package


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