The University of Limoges is a multidisciplinary higher education establishment based on openness and excellence core values hosting 15000 students and 23 Research teams. Each year 630 PhD candidates choose to work in a stimulating environment highly connected with advanced research and front-line economic stakeholders. The Faculty of Sciences and Technology provides training courses at Bachelor level (Mathematics, Physics-chemistry, Engineering, Material sciences) and at Master level (Electronic optical technologies, Materials engineering).
A specific ICT department has been developed since 1997 with the implementation of a Virtual campus ( daily used by 850 students and 150 teachers. UNILIM offers a blended learning Master degree (ARTICC) specialized in telecommunication domain since 2008 and a full e-learning 3rd year Bachelor degree (EOLES) in Electronics and Optics since 2014. These training’s are based on long-standing privileged cooperation partnerships with the Mediterranean area (and especially with Maghreb). Pioneer in distance-learning for the last 20 years, the University of Limoges, with the help of its international partners, participates actively in opening new perspectives for digital education applications. The EOLES training is the first accredited degree training in the world using an international remote laboratory, accessible for students from home in one click, available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.